Projetos Especiais - Tecla Music Agency


What are the playlists we created to support Team BR at the 2024 Olympics like:


Casa Brasil is a space of the Olympic Committee to celebrate Brazilian sports and culture. And of course, our music is one of the elements that sets the tone of this space. At the invitation of Embratur, we created 6 playlists that are used as a soundtrack in the place and that you can also find on Visit Brasil official profile, on Spotify.


Get into the rhythm: the playlists created reveal the synergy between Brazil and France, with a curation that only proves that we are also gold medalists in sound waves.

Special projects

The largest global innovation and technology conference has a stage Powered by Tecla Music.

But what is RIW?

An annual meeting lasting 4 days, which brings together more than 100k people in the port area of Rio, bringing the most diverse themes – from agriculture to pop – always with an eye to the future, bringing together the biggest names in each area.

Of course, music couldn't be left out of this. Since the 2nd edition of the event, we have been responsible for Music Forward, the 100% conference dedicated to the topic, with special guests to talk about trends and behaviors in our industry.

And it doesn't stop there – in addition to the stage with lectures and tables, our program also includes special content, workshops, fairs and even cinema.

It's music, but it's also: innovation, data, artificial intelligence, NFT, streaming monetization, audio, podcasts, public policy, ESG, social agendas, cannabis, music & healing, neuroscience, women in the industry, copyright, sound art.

Among the various names and brands, the following have already passed through our line up: Spotify, Nelson Motta, Rodolfo Medina, Dream Factory, Ambev, Warner, Kaê Guajajara, Globoplay, The Summer Hunter, Benedita da Silva, Nando Reis, Atabaque, and yes, even Juliette 😉

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Special projects

The Summer Hunter took the connections he created on the internet to real-world experiences.

The Summer House was the first of many occasions to bring your community together in a place to meet people, disconnect, toast, flirt, dance – or simply enjoy a good day.

Here we bring you a little more of what happened at this event that was the highlight of the summer and we were proud to be part of.

Swimming pool at Casa da Glória

If just knowing that Casa de Verão took place in this historic mansion in Rio de Janeiro doesn't already make you excited for the next edition of the event, you're all wrong.

Located in one of the neighborhoods in the heart of every Carioca, the mansion was an oasis in the middle of Rio's summer. The heat was killing, but the pool was open to cool off 😉

Lots of cool people

After so much time promoting online connections, TSH put together a program full of culture, with classes, talks and workshops, all designed to facilitate dialogue and create even stronger bonds – transforming followers, readers and listeners into friends, partners or collaborators. Real world, you know?

Powered by Tecla Music

You already know what that means, right? If you have Tecla Music, there's lots of good music to celebrate the solar side of life!

Here, we curated all the music for the house and put together an incredible program for the weekend, with shows and DJ sets that left no one standing still – from sunrise to sunset.

Special projects

Research, actions and directions that make it happen.

If for so many years we worked with curation and musical identity for brands, we ventured even further to create launch and campaign strategies directly with artists.

Thus, our project with Paralamos do Sucesso was born.

Our delivery involved data collection and performance analysis, positioning strategy on networks and platforms, creation of themed playlists on the band's profiles and directing digital actions to boost streams.

For delivery, we rely on our multidisciplinary curation and content team, including market curators, data scientists, performance scientists and UX Designer.

Reinforcing the band’s presence on digital platforms – from streaming to social media.

Special projects

Fresh Sounds for Mentos! <3

We were responsible for the playlists of the Mentos + Spotify campaign, which guaranteed a year of premium subscription for hundreds of participants.

We thought about giving a boost to different day-to-day situations – from that energy to start the week or a little extra strength during moments of physical exercise.

Therefore, we prepared six playlists that appeared on all the gum's special packaging, introducing new artists and songs to the public and helping them explore a new world of music.

The campaign ran for a few months in 2021, impacting thousands of people across Brazil.

It’s great to follow how sound branding provides infinite possibilities for actions, right? 🙂


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