Does working 5 days a week seem tiring to you? Be aware that this model is, in fact, a “new thing” in the corporate world – just over a hundred years ago, the normal thing was to work 6 or 7 days in a row. Rest for what, right?
In 1920, the founder of Ford Industries, Henry Ford, decided to change the game and implemented the regime of five working days followed by two days off. At the time, he realized that employees produced more and better in less time, thus guaranteeing more hours of sleep, rest and leisure.
Well, the rest is history – and, since then, our past and present have blended into a routine that seems to have actually come from prehistory: we work from Monday to Friday and, on the weekends, we rest.
New ways
But… what if it were possible to do things differently, reviewing the working day and balancing the scales a little more between leisure and professional obligations? With this idea in mind, it has become increasingly common for businesses to implement the 4-day work week model.
There are several ways to apply this extra rest: on Mondays, in the middle of the week, on Fridays or even flexible for each area. Here, at Tecla Music, we opted for Fridays – as it is already a day with fewer agendas, it seemed opportune to take the opportunity to close the week early and arrive with renewed energy the following Monday 🙂
And what about productivity?
Between route adjustments and uncertainties about the future of the model, we like to believe that being at the forefront of innovations allows us to experience learning from experimentation, building with the entire team the foundations to make this experience good for the business, even better for the people who make Tecla happen.
The model is still being tested – and the truth is that there is not enough data to prove its efficiency: there are still few companies that have joined and, in a hyperconnected world, the reality is that it seems to go against the grain of the system.
But, for that very reason, we need to look at this possibility carefully.
The proposal to work “only” 4 days brings emotional gains to the team in the same proportion, today, as that thought up a hundred years ago by Henry Ford. It is common sense among those who adopt the system that the possibility of resting – or simply using free time during the week as you wish – generates a feeling of freedom associated with a sense of responsibility that is unique to the professional's experience.
Not to mention that many professionals in these companies take advantage of their “free time” to take care of their routine: going to the doctor, solving problems at the bank or any other aspect of their personal life that cannot fit into a weekend. The fact is that it is much more difficult to manage life “off work” working from Monday to Friday.
Post-pandemic world
The forced home office, which lasted just over 2 years, turned companies upside down. It became clear that it is possible to change the logic of the system, even though this movement is influenced by external and unpredictable factors, as was the case with COVID-19.
In a short time, we have experienced the revolution of screens, online meetings, remote access and hybrid work. Everyone worked all the time – what about the exhaustion?
The pandemic has accelerated the possibility of businesses changing established structures. If, on the one hand, companies benefited from having professionals connected all the time, wherever they were; on the other, it was evident that this hyperconnection generated tensions in the field of mental and individual health.
There has never been so much talk about burnout and, in this context, we think it is important to consider new ways of working. So, welcome to the 4 days a week model at Tecla 🙂
The future
The promise is to increase the team's productivity, improve the quality of life of employees and attract talent with a more sustainable work environment connected to the new era.
After smartphones and smart devices dominate our lives, thinking about a smart work routine shouldn't sound so absurd – working smart, making better use of our time and that of those around us.
It's not just about the number of hours dedicated to work, but how we use those we have available – and for what. Changing won't always be easy, but it's always important to make yourself available to make mistakes, learn and... evolve.
After all, this is how we humans have done it for thousands and thousands of years. And spoiler: It has worked out really well.
We are the Music Key: music branding agency specialized in curation and sound management for brands with more than 15 years of experience in the market. We translate the values of your business and help inspire customers with sound strategies – for different platforms. And there, let's make noise? Click here to hire!