- Tecla Music Agency

There's no place like the Northeast, right? The people, the places, the culture – everything! – so diverse in its uniqueness, that it makes anyone feel at home and grateful to be there.
It's a mix of sensations and feelings that overflows.

And, everywhere you go, you hear classic songs that rock the streets, corners, restaurants and performances. There are styles such as forró, brega, axé, baião, maracatu and several others that carry notable voices from our Brazilian music. Or are you going to say that you've never heard of Luiz Gonzaga, Alceu Valença, Elba Ramalho, Dominguinhos?

Classic artists, precursors of the rhythms we admire in everyday life, are references for new artists on the scene. This is even the case with the partners we called for our Nova Brasil Convida, Rachel Reis It is Tagore. Check out the chat we had with them by clicking on the link in each person's name. 😉

Oh, and of course we couldn't stop talking about two remarkable rhythms! To begin with, the pisodinha – or piseiro! -, a musical style that dominates the radio and all playlists on streaming platforms. The rhythm began in 2000 in Bahia and conquered the country with Barões da Pisadinha, becoming a reference for countless national pop artists, such as our beloved Duda Beat! 

The other is manguebeat, created by the phenomenal Chico Science in the early 1990s. The singer and composer saw in music the opportunity to speak and denounce all the problems and issues that Pernambuco faced during the decade that was one of the most tense in the region. The countercultural movement presented a musical revolution among artists that resonates and is inspiration to this day. <3 So, did you enjoy getting to know a little more about artists and rhythms from the region?


We are the Music Key: music branding agency specialized in curation and sound management for brands with more than 15 years of experience in the market. We translate the values of your business and help inspire customers with sound strategies – for different platforms. And there, let's make noise? Click here to hire!


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