In a society completely oriented towards productivity, embracing this state of mind sounds like transgression. And as if the fear of being stigmatized by those around us wasn't enough, laziness usually comes hand in hand with guilt. But there are good reasons for you to surrender to the couch and relax from time to time, so that you can continue spinning on the hamster wheel afterwards.

The fact that we do not allow ourselves to give vent to laziness — a feeling that every human being knows — can be more harmful to our well-being than failing in the (impossible?) mission of always staying busy. This is because when we are busy with daily tasks, we activate a more superficial layer of our thoughts. In other words, we are more focused on executing plans than on reflecting on them. On the other hand, when we enter dolce far niente mode, the mind flies and we are able to access deeper places where the root of our problems, our motivations and other elements that can help make decisions and guide the course of our lives reside.

Who has never gone on vacation and felt a certain discomfort when noticing questions arising and the feeling that, with free time, your head is racing? Freed from the immediate demands of everyday life, the mind also finds space to be more creative. It's no surprise that it's common for us to have an insight into how to solve an issue, or an incredible project idea, precisely when we're not actively thinking about the subject.

On an even deeper level, the impulse to be busy all the time can mask another type of laziness: that of dealing with deeper emotional and psychological issues. Look what a good conversation to have at your next therapy session. Laughter.

For these and other reasons, living a solar life requires time to process the information, emotions, sensations and the like that we encounter every day. And the feeling of laziness that tries to take over us from time to time can be a reminder that you need to make some space in your schedule to slow down.

There are days when all we want to do is stay online and look beyond. But, in a society that values productivity above all else, surrendering to laziness is a subversion. Here, we explain why you should make space in your schedule to embrace this state of mind.

Stay relaxed and play this track made 100% for this moment! It's in your hand: Click here!


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